Sunday, June 14

Summer Vacation!

Hello everyone! I am now officially at the beginning of my summer vacation! Thursday was the last day of work, and today is the first chance I have gotten to just take a breathe and relax for a minute. I even managed to make it through the 1,000+ items on my Google Reader! Even though Friday was my first official day off summer vacay, it was spent madly running about preparing for a Bachelorette party I co-hosted on Saturday. I had sooo much fun putting everything together, and the party was a blast! The night ended with a sleepover, so I sewed sleep masks for all the guests in the bride's wedding colors. They turned out great, I was very excited. I also made cute chocolate dipped marshmallows that were a huge hit. I took pictures of all of these things, but since we are still in the process of moving into our new house my memory card reader is in a box somewhere waiting to be discovered... Once I find it I will post pics!

Now that it is really summer vacation I am ridiculously excited to have time for some crafting! My summer to-do list consists of the following items:
-Unpack my new house
-Spend tons of time with friends/family

So far I am well on my way to checking off the first item from my list. The fact that the sleepover part of the bachelorette party was at my new house really helped that process along. As for reading, I have a delicious stack of books just waiting for me. I am so excited. And for crafting--I already broke in my new craft room with all of the sleep masks I made and I cannot wait to make more fun projects! I will make sure to keep everyone posted now that I have a few months of leisure time ahead of me!


  1. We should compare summer reading lists, because that's at the top of my to-do list, too!

  2. Hooray for summer! We should schedule some time to get together and craft/shop for craft supplies/just hang out. I really want to see your sleep masks, too!!! - Linz
