Monday, July 13

Party Pictures!

This past weekend B and I threw a Housewarming Party! Lots of friends and family came over, and it was SO MUCH FUN!!! Here are some pictures of some yummy foods that we made:

I made ice cream cone cupcakes that were a big hit. The vanilla frosted ones were carrot cake, and the chocolate frosted ones were confetti. Delicious! And much easier to eat than normal cupcakes since you had the ice cream cone to hold on to!

More of my homemade crackers. Yet another big hit!

This is B's amazing salad. Watermelon, feta cheese, and mint. I know it sounds weird, but trust me it is DELICIOUS!

I am now off for 6 days of fun with family and friends! First it's Ashland with my mom and Grandma, then camping with friends. I am so excited!!!

1 comment:

  1. hi mariko! what an awesome blog~! i'm especially loving this food related post. =) the crackers look so yummy! i'm a big fan of carbs.

    it was brought to my attention today that your hubby's into kitchen gadgets. wow! nerdy AND kitchen savvy! way to pick 'em! =) mine only does the nerdy thing, unfortunately. the only time he stumbles into the kitchen is either by accident or because he's been famished for an extended period of time. lol.
